The BMP180 barometric pressure and temperature sensor

This board uses a Bosch BMP180 I2C barometric pressure and temperature sensor.


The driver version of the BMP180 control program:

reads out the temperature, the barometric pressure and the altitude from the sensor and prints the values.

The Cayenne version of the code publishes barometric pressure in hPa and temperature on Cayenne.

-- Uli Raich - 2019-03-22


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I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
PNGpng wemosBmp180.png r1 manage 135.9 K 2019-03-22 - 14:17 UliRaich  

This topic: AFNOG > WebHome > AFNOGWorkshop2019 > WeMosD1Mini > Bmp180Shield
Topic revision: r2 - 2019-05-17 - UliRaich
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