The WeMos D1 mini and its sensor and actuator shields


We have seen that the ESP01 can be programmed with micro Python and that there are add-on sensor boards available. However, when we connect the sensor board we loose the serial connection to the PC. This can be corrected by soldering extra connectors to the top of the ESP01 board but this is fiddly and needs good soldering equipment and good soldering skills. The other option is to get access to the ESP01 through WiFi using WebRepl

A better and only slightly more expensive solution (we are talking about ~ 3.5 US$ instead of 2.5 US$) is the Wemos D1 mini board. This boards gives up more I/O connections and many more sensor and actuator shields are readily available on the market.

The processor board

The processor board uses an Espressif ESP8266 processor chip and 4 MBytes of flash are installed on the board.


You will find a description of the pinout at

For convenience I copied the basic information here.


A big number of sensor and actuator boards are available. You will find a complete list with their description at

Here are the sensor shields and their test programs for the workshop:

For each of the devices I create 2 directories:
  • a driver directory containing programs testing the module without Cayenne communication
  • a cayenne directory for the final program


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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng d1MiniPinout.png r1 manage 542.9 K 2019-03-20 - 09:27 UliRaich  
PNGpng wemosd1mini.png r1 manage 313.5 K 2019-03-20 - 09:20 UliRaich  
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Topic revision: r2 - 2019-03-22 - UliRaich
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