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How the Bluetooth Communication work in Arduino.

Basically the control of robot becomes easy through a Bluetooth module. Which means that the Bluetooth module and arduino is basically what you need to create a communication channel with a robot. There are a lot of Bluetooth modules but it seems that the HC-05 Bluetooth module is the most popular Bluetooth module for wireless communication in Arduino devices.

This HC Bluetooth module consists of two things.

  • Bluetooth serial interface module
  • Bluetooth adaptor.
About the connection

Bluetooth serial module is used for converting serial port to Bluetooth. And the default baud rate of new Bluetooth module is 9600 bps which is also a suitable unit of transmission speed. Mostly in their connection type all we need to do is connect RX (receive) and TX (transmit) to controller or serial converter and give 5 volt dc regulated power supply to module.

But Bluetooth module cannot work on it own since it need a remote control device. Base on our project I think Android Smartphone is the best for a remote device since it the easies way to test the project. And there are a lot of application which are designed to enable the Bluetooth features of the device to make the connection with the Bluetooth module attached to the robot.


Here is a Bluetooth report on what we did during 6 weeks of Bluetooth project.

-- John Aubyn - 2017-04-01


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Topic revision: r2 - 2017-05-01 - uli
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