The ttgo module
The ttgo module is again a pure MicroPython module used to initialize the t-watch hardware. It contains two classes:
Watch class has the following methods:
- Watch(fastboot=False): creates a Watch object. This method initializes:
- the I2C port 0 bus
- the axp202 power management module
- the display
- and touch screen hardware
- __init_prep__() initializes:
- Motor class
- the PCF8563 real time clock
- and the BMA423 triaxial acceleration sensor.
- __init_touch__() initializes the FT6236U touch panel controller. This method is called when the Watch object is created
- __display__() initializes the st7789 display controller
- pmu_attach_interrupt(callback): attaches a callback routine to pmu (power management unit) interrupts
- rtc_attach_interrupt(callback): attaches a callback routine to the bma423 interrupt
- enable_audio_power(en=True): enables of disables power to the sound system
- lvgl_begin(): initializes the LVGL graphical user interface library and registers the st7789 display driver and the ft6x36 touch panel driver with LVGL
- init_power(): initializes the pmu system
- power_off(): switch watch power off
After creating a Watch object :
import ttgo
watch = ttgo.Watch()
you can access the initialized driver objects with:
- watch.__i2c__
- watch.touch
- watch.tft
- watch.motor
- watch.rtc
- watch.pmu
- watch.bma
Display class has these methods:
- Display(pmu):
- creates a st7789_lvgl object
- initializes the back light GPIO pin
- turns the display back light off
- backlight_fade(val=100): fade the back light level to val
- switch_scene():
- set_backlight_level(percent): set the back light level
- __turn_lcd_backlight__(val): turn back light on or off)
- __set_lcd_backlight_voltage(voltage=3200): set the voltage to a level between 2.4V and 3.2 V
Motor class:
- Motor(): create a Motor object. Create a PWM pin on GPIO 4 to control the vibration motor power
- on(): switch the buzzer and vibration motor on
- off(): switch it off
- set_strength(strength): set the strength of the vibration/buzzer signal
- set_freq(freq): set the PWM frequency
Uli Raich - 2021-01-28