Wake word detection
There are many examples of speech control devices in today's homes, Amazon's Alexa being a prominent example. These devices wait for a
wake word, "Alexa" in case om Amazon's system. Only when this wake word is detected the following speech commands are sent to a server over the internet which will then interpret the command itself.
In the micro-speech example provided in the
examples folder of tflite-micro 
the words
yes and
no are detected. To make the example work we need a microphone, converting the sound into an electrical signal and an ADC to convert this signal into numerical sound samples. The speech can then be recorded and save as .wav files, which can be used to train a neural network.
In the example the sound samples are fed into the neural network model which performs an action when either
yes nor
no is detected (e.g. printing out the result and lighting some lamps.
The microphones
Micropython already include an I2S driver, written by Mike Teachman, which can read digital I2S microphones. Mike also provide
I2S example programs 
showing how to use his driver.
For the implementation of the examples we can use two different I2S microphones supported be the I2S driver:
The INMP441 MEMS I2S microphone
and the SPH0645 I2S MEMS microphone
The hardware connections to the WeMos D1 bus are as follows:
Uli Raich - 2022-02-20