Difference: AWEBServer (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32020-05-27 - UliRaich

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META TOPICPARENT name="Exercises"

A WEB Server and the HTTP Protocol

Exercise 1: Write a Hello World WEB Server

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 Please check https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/library/usocket.html for more details.
Version 2:
In the second version we will separate the HTML text from the server and store it in the html directory (to be creatd with ampy) on the ESP32. Now we can use a ready made Web server for MicroPython, picoweb to serve the page.
In the second version we will separate the HTML text from the server and store it in the html directory (to be creatd with ampy) on the ESP32. Now we can use a ready made Web server for MicroPython, picoweb to serve the page. picoweb and utemplates (see exercise 2) are already included in the MicroPython binary.
Version 3:

If we do not use an external SD card, then space for the HTML pages is rather limited. It may therefore be interesting to use gzip compresses pages. Modify your picoweb server to use gzipped HTML.

Exercise 2: Provide Measurement Data on the WEB Page

Modify the WEB server to provide temperature and humidity measured with the SHT30.
Modify the WEB server to provide temperature and humidity measured with the SHT30. The easiest way to accomplish this is static text like in the Hello World HTML page into which the measurements can be inserted. This can be done with utemplates, which are provided by picoweb. Have a look in the utemplates README.MD and in the examples directory of picoweb to understand how this is implemented.

This is how your WEB site for SHT30 measurements might look like (screen dump of the solution script):


Exercise 3: Ajax

The above exercise has a major flaw: For each measurement you must reload the entire page. It would be much nicer it the WEB page could be updated whenever a new measurement comes in.

  -- Uli Raich - 2020-05-27


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="sht30WebSite.png" attr="" comment="" date="1590609204" name="sht30WebSite.png" path="sht30WebSite.png" size="15849" user="UliRaich" version="1"
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