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Revision 62013-11-15 - TWikiContributor

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20 most recent topic changes in all webs

Modified (now 01:03) Topic in Web Last Modified By
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  excludetopic="WebStatistics" reverse="on" sort="modified"
format="| $percntCALC{$SET(epoch, $TIME($date)) $GET(epoch) $FORMATTIME($GET($epoch), $year-$mo-$day $hour:$min)}$percnt diff (in-line) r$rev | $topic in $web web | $wikiusername |"
format="| $percntCALCULATE{$SET(epoch, $TIME($date GMT)) $GET(epoch) $FORMATTIMEDIFF(min, 1, $TIMEDIFF($GET(epoch), $GET(now), minute)) ago}$percnt diff (in-line) r$rev | $topic in $web web | $wikiusername |"

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