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Results from IoT_Course_English web retrieved at 16:34 (GMT)

The HC SR04 ultrasonic distance meter The emits an ultrasonic sound wave and measures the time it takes to travel to a target and back. Knowing that sound waves travel...
Web Notification This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do...
The Arduino hello world example For the Arduino SDK (Software Development Kit) you can install the TensorFlow ESP32 library, which does not only contain the TensorFlowLite...
The TinyML examples written in C The TinyML examples in C , ported to the ESP32 can be found at https://github.com/espressif/tflite micro esp examples/tree/master...
The ESP IDF version The esp idf version of hello world is almost identical to the Arduino version except the way it built. We must first tell the idf.py that we are...
Running the TensorFlow examples in MicroPython The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow is implemented as a module written...
The Hello World example as provided by the tflite micro repository The TensorFlowLite Micro repository provides the code creating the hello world neural network...
Number of topics: 7

Topic revision: r40 - 2023-10-30 - UliRaich
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