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Results from IoT_Course_English web retrieved at 23:27 (GMT)

Accelerometer and Gyroscope Introduction Accelerometers measure the acceleration along the 3 geometrical axis, usually in units of g (the gravitational acceleration...
Accessing the Python interpreter MicroPython MicroPython implements the Python 3.4 syntax. It is Open Source and can be downloaded from its GitHub repository . There...
BlueTooth Low Energy (BLE) The ESP32 provides a BlueTooth interface and MicroPython implements a low level interface tto BlueTooth Low Energy or BLE. Some applications...
Lecture 1: Basic Python Programming CSC 321: Embedded Sysytem First Semester 2020/2021 Introduction of Lecturers 1 Uli Raich Formally CERN, Geneva, Switzerland...
Compiling Micropython Forcing the correct module versions When trying to compile the ESP32 port of MicroPython on an Ubuntu 20.04 system, I see the following error...
The ESP32 CAM module Introduction The ESP32 CAM module is dedicated to camera readout. It provides an ESP32 S CPU a 2 mega pixel OV2640 camera and its interface...
Course on Internet of Things Exercises: Exercise 1: REPL and standard Python programming Exercise 2: LEDs and NeoPixel Exercise 3: Switches...
The Neo 6M GPS receiver Most GPS receivers use a UART to communicate with their hosts and the Neo 6M is no exception. The ESP32 has 3 hardware UARTs with the following...
Graphical User Interface on the IoT node Introduction The 2.4 ` display has a pixel resolution of 320x240 pixels. It is controlled by an ili9431 display driver and...
GUI programming with LVGL Introduction Very often, the microcontroller part of an IoT project allows user interaction only though the network connection, e.g. through...
Infrared remote control Introduction The WeMos D1 mini series of sensor board includes an IR receiver and transmitter. On its back you can define the GPIO...
Internet access Once we have collected data from the sensors, we want to get access to them. This can be accomplished most easily by transferring the data over the...
Introduction The Internet of Things The Internet of Things or IoT for short is one of the major subjects in computer science these days. Micro controllers with Internet...
LVGL on the T Watch 2020 Introduction Since the t watch 2020 has a rather high resolution screen in combination with a touch panel, it is possible to run Graphical...
MQTT and Cayenne Introduction Cayenne claims to be the world`s first drag and drop IoT builder. It provides a dash board on which the user can set up predefined widgets...
Magnetometer and Compass Introduction Magnetometers measure magnetic field. The electronic devices available are very sensitive, and can measure fields down to the...
Moisture sensors Different types of sensors There are two different types of moisture sensors: resistive sensors, measuring the resistance between two electrodes...
Motors Introduction We have 3 different types of motors in our kit: DC motor: Used for continuous movement in either forward or backward direction and at different...
The PS2 game controller The PS2 game controller can be used to remotely control our robot cars, robotic arms or other devices. There is a showing how this can be done...
The SHT30 I2C Temperature and Humidity Sensor Introduction The SHT30 is a temperature and humidity sensor that communicates over the I2C bus. Typical accuracy for...
The sensors and actuators used during the course MicroPython drivers For many of the devices we will use during the course the drivers are already included in MicroPython...
Using a second Serial Port On the ESP32 UART0 is normally reserved for interactive use with REPL. Sometimes we need a UART to communicate with external devices. Typical...
Lecture 1: Basic Python Programming Lecture 2: LED and Neopixels Lecture 3: Switches with ESP32 Lecture 4: Temperature and Humidity with DHT11 Lecture...
Course on the Internet of Things Solutions to the exercises Exercise 1: Solutions to REPL and standard Python Programming Exercise 2: Solutions to...
TCS3200 Color Sensor Introduction The TCS3200 color sensor comes on PCBs with slightly different layout: The main difference between these modules is that...
TFT Displays Introduction A wide range of displays is available for use with the Arduino system. For the WeMos D1 mini system I found 3 display boards. Each of them...
The Hardware The CPU card The ESP8266 CPU card has the following pinouts: There are two different ESP32 CPU cards available for the WeMos D1 mini bus. The first card...
The T Watch 2020 hardware devices The LilyGo t watch 2020 is a smart watch, based on the ESP32, which you must program yourself. If you want a fully functional smart...
The weather app Introduction Several weather servers provide weather data and forecasts that can be used by a weather app . Here are the two I had a look into:...
TinyML Introduction Machine learning (ML) algorithms usually work on huge datasets and require an enormous amount of resources. On the other hand many mobile phone...
Using a second UART On the ESP32 UART0 is normally reserved for interactive use with REPL. Sometimes we need a UART to communicate with external devices. Typical examples...
Virtual Instruments Introduction Measurement instruments like multi meters, pulse generators or oscilloscopes can be rather costly and the requirements for the IoT...
The virtual world example Introduction The virtual world example uses a TCS3200 color sensor and a HC SR04 ultrasonic distance meter. When a colored paper is placed...
The T Watch Graphical User Interface and how to add your own applications and settings Introduction The ` firmware` is developed by Dirk Brosswick. It is a rather...
Statistics for IoT Course English Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top...
Writing Scripts A file system layout It is not always easy to keep tidy a file system and many students don`t really understand why this is necessary. During your...
Number of topics: 36

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