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Results from IoT_Course_English web retrieved at 17:35 (GMT)

Lecture 2: LEDs and NeoPixel CSC 321: Embedded Sysytem First Semester 2020/2021 The ESP32 WROVER B MCU CPU Pinout Please note: The pin numbers IOxx on...
LEDs and NeoPixel Introduction The ESP32 has 2 LEDs on board. The first one indicates power while the second one is user programmable. The user programmable built...
The lvgl graphics library and its MicroPython language binding Article text. Comments
LVGL on the T Watch 2020 Introduction Since the t watch 2020 has a rather high resolution screen in combination with a touch panel, it is possible to run Graphical...
Number of topics: 4

Topic revision: r40 - 2023-10-30 - UliRaich
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