Analogue to Digital and Digital to Analogue Conversion
PCF8591 is a 4 channel analogue to digital (ADC) and 1 channel digital to analogue converter (DAC). ADC and DAC have 8 bit resolution. The PCB card already contains 3 devices that can be connected via jumpers to the ADC inputs:
- a potentiometer on channel 3
- a photo resistor on channel 0
- a thermistor on channel 1
- channel 2 is free
The sensors are resistors whose resistivity changes with the parameter to be measured (temperature or light intensity) and, in conjunction with a 1 kΩ resistor they implement a voltage divider. This voltage is converted to a digital value by the ADC.
There are 2 LEDs on the PCB: a red one showing that the board is powered and a green one connected to the DAC output.
I used the free channel to feed back the DAC output.
pcf8591 front |
pcf8591 back |
You can distinguish the PCF8591 chip, the potentiometer and the photo resistor and thermistor. The pins on the left make the connections to external analogue signals and 1 pin provides the DAC output while the pins on the right implement the
I2C interface with SCL, SDA, Vcc and Gnd.
Here is the circuit diagram of the PCS:
Unfortunately on the boards I purchased in China there is an error on the PCB: The thermistor is not correctly connected to ground. For this reason I only see the value 0xff. A little bridge between the ground pin of the photo resistor and the thermistor will do the trick.
Uli Raich - 2017-02-01
Topic revision: r4 - 2017-02-05
- uli