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How Ultra Sonic Distance Measurement Works

The ultra-sonic distance measurement sensor is a sensor which works with radiations or waves. It echoes waves towards it obstacle and receives response from the echo. Based on the echo and response or the waves, it can calculate the distance between its position and the obstacle. It has some methods which carry out these functions when coding. The ultra-sonic sensor serves as the "eye" for the robot, since it determines which path to take based on conditions.

The calculation will basically be on the traveling time and the returning time. The speed will also help to calculate for the distance. That is distance=(time×speed)/2. Because the time is the total time it took to reach the obstacle and return back thus the time to reach the obstacle is half of the total time taken.


This is our report on ultrasonic distance measurements after six weeks of project duration.

Enoch Sowah - 2017-03-27


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Topic revision: r4 - 2017-05-01 - uli
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