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Backlinks to Solutions in all Webs (Search IoT_Course_English Web only)

Results from IoT_Course_English web retrieved at 21:28 (GMT)

A WEB Server and the HTTP Protocol Exercise 1: Write a Hello World WEB Server Write a simplistic WEB server, serving a single WEB page. This server is very similar...
BlueTooth Low Energy (BLE) The ESP32 provides a BlueTooth interface and MicroPython implements a low level interface tto BlueTooth Low Energy or BLE. Some applications...
Infrared remote control Introduction The WeMos D1 mini series of sensor board includes an IR receiver and transmitter. On its back you can define the GPIO...
The Magic Wand Example Introduction The magic wand example shows how to detect gestures using an accelerometer. Different types of accelerometers are easily available...
Solutions to exercise 9: ADC and DAC Exercise 1: As you can see on the photo, the joystick has 5 pins: Pin on Joystick Pin on ESP32 GND GND 5V...
Solutions to exercise 17: I2S and sound Article text. Comments
Solutions to Exercise 2: LEDs Exercise 1: Here is the screen dump of a REPL session switching the builtin LED on and off: Exercise 2: This is the most simple program...
Solutions to Exercise 1: REPL and standard Python programming Exercise 1: Use of REPL The screen shot shows the REPL session Exercise 2: A simple calculator In the...
Solutions to Exercise 9: Real Time Clock and Data Logging Exercise 1: Since connecting to the Internet through WiFi is a very common task, we develop a module doing...
Solutions to exercise 13: Seven Segment display and Keypad The Seven Segment Display and the TM1637 controller chip Exercise 1: The driver and its test program Writing...
Solutions to exercise 10: TFT display Introduction The exercises on the TFT display can be implemented on the 1.4` display with its ST7735 controller or on the...
Solutions to exercise 4: The DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Exercise 1: The solution to the exercise is quasi already given in the manual. All you need to...
Solutions to the Exercise 3: Switches Exercise 1: This is very similar to switching a LED on or off. Again a single GPIO line is used. This time however the pin in...
Solutions to the exercise on motors Article text. Comments
Solutions to Exercise 4: The I2C Bus and the SHT30 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Exercise 1: After initializing of the I2C bus with from machine import Pin,I2C...
Exercise 4: The DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Introduction The DHT11 is a digital temperature and humidity sensor featuring its own proprietary communication...
This is a complete re work of the Embedded systems course, given at the University of Cape Coast in 2017. While the original course was based on the C language we...
Statistics for IoT Course English Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top...
Writing Scripts A file system layout It is not always easy to keep tidy a file system and many students don`t really understand why this is necessary. During your...
Number of topics: 19

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