Difference: AFNOGWorkshop2019 (1 vs. 11)

Revision 112019-05-23 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


During the AIS conference 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, a 2 day workshop on IoT is held. IoT nodes consist of a network enabled micro-controller with attached sensors and/or actuators which can communicate between the sensors and actuators within the node itself and/or with other IoT nodes. Where the node is located physically is of no importance. Writing code for these devices can be quite complex since sensor readout, and actuator control is needed as well as software for network communication. If however the sensor driver already exists (why re-invent the wheel?) and the communication code is standardized and in addition widgets for data display and control are available then it can be very easy to link the sensors and actuators into a WEB based application. This application can be accessed through a WEB browser or a hand-phone app. This is exactly the approach mydevices Cayenne has taken.
During the AIS conference 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, a 2-day workshop on IoT is held. IoT nodes consist of a network enabled micro-controller with attached sensors and/or actuators which can communicate between the sensors and actuators within the node itself and/or with other IoT nodes. Where the node is located physically is of no importance. Writing code for these devices can be quite complex since sensor readout, and actuator control is needed as well as software for network communication. If however the sensor driver already exists (why re-invent the wheel?) and the communication code is standardized and in addition widgets for data display and control are available then it can be very easy to link the sensors and actuators into a WEB based application. This application can be accessed through a WEB browser or a hand-phone app. This is exactly the approach mydevices Cayenne has taken.
The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.
The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen by the sensors, change.

Revision 102019-05-10 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


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Revision 92019-04-28 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


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 During the AIS conference 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, a 2 day workshop on IoT is held. IoT nodes consist of a network enabled micro-controller with attached sensors and/or actuators which can communicate between the sensors and actuators within the node itself and/or with other IoT nodes. Where the node is located physically is of no importance. Writing code for these devices can be quite complex since sensor readout, and actuator control is needed as well as software for network communication. If however the sensor driver already exists (why re-invent the wheel?) and the communication code is standardized and in addition widgets for data display and control are available then it can be very easy to link the sensors and actuators into a WEB based application. This application can be accessed through a WEB browser or a hand-phone app. This is exactly the approach mydevices Cayenne has taken.

The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.

 -- Uli Raich - 2019-02-12


Revision 82019-04-09 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


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 The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.

Revision 72019-04-08 - IsaacArmahMensah

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


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 The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.

Revision 62019-03-22 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


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 -- Uli Raich - 2019-02-12


Revision 52019-03-20 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


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 The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.
 -- Uli Raich - 2019-02-12


Revision 42019-03-01 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


Line: 6 to 6
 During the AIS conference 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, a 2 day workshop on IoT is held. IoT nodes consist of a network enabled micro-controller with attached sensors and/or actuators which can communicate between the sensors and actuators within the node itself and/or with other IoT nodes. Where the node is located physically is of no importance. Writing code for these devices can be quite complex since sensor readout, and actuator control is needed as well as software for network communication. If however the sensor driver already exists (why re-invent the wheel?) and the communication code is standardized and in addition widgets for data display and control are available then it can be very easy to link the sensors and actuators into a WEB based application. This application can be accessed through a WEB browser or a hand-phone app. This is exactly the approach mydevices Cayenne has taken.

The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.

  -- Uli Raich - 2019-02-12

Revision 32019-02-12 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


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 During the AIS conference 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, a 2 day workshop on IoT is held. IoT nodes consist of a network enabled micro-controller with attached sensors and/or actuators which can communicate between the sensors and actuators within the node itself and/or with other IoT nodes. Where the node is located physically is of no importance. Writing code for these devices can be quite complex since sensor readout, and actuator control is needed as well as software for network communication. If however the sensor driver already exists (why re-invent the wheel?) and the communication code is standardized and in addition widgets for data display and control are available then it can be very easy to link the sensors and actuators into a WEB based application. This application can be accessed through a WEB browser or a hand-phone app. This is exactly the approach mydevices Cayenne has taken.

The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.

 -- Uli Raich - 2019-02-12


Revision 22019-02-12 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


During the AIS conference 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, a 2 day workshop on IoT is held. IoT nodes consist of a network enabled micro-controller with attached sensors and/or actuators which can communicate within the sensor node and/or with other IoT nodes. Where the node is located physically is of no importance. Writing code for these devices can be quite complex since sensor readout, and actuator control is needed as well as software for network communication. If however the sensor driver already exists (why re-invent the wheel?) and the communication code is standardized and in addition widgets for data display and control are available then it can be very easy to link the sensors and actuators into a WEB based application. This application can be accessed through a WEB browser or a hand-phone app. This is exactly the approach mydevices Cayenne has taken.
During the AIS conference 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, a 2 day workshop on IoT is held. IoT nodes consist of a network enabled micro-controller with attached sensors and/or actuators which can communicate between the sensors and actuators within the node itself and/or with other IoT nodes. Where the node is located physically is of no importance. Writing code for these devices can be quite complex since sensor readout, and actuator control is needed as well as software for network communication. If however the sensor driver already exists (why re-invent the wheel?) and the communication code is standardized and in addition widgets for data display and control are available then it can be very easy to link the sensors and actuators into a WEB based application. This application can be accessed through a WEB browser or a hand-phone app. This is exactly the approach mydevices Cayenne has taken.
The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuator through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.
The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuators through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.
  -- Uli Raich - 2019-02-12

Revision 12019-02-12 - UliRaich

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The Internet Of Things (IoT), MQTT and Cayenne


During the AIS conference 2019 in Kampala, Uganda, a 2 day workshop on IoT is held. IoT nodes consist of a network enabled micro-controller with attached sensors and/or actuators which can communicate within the sensor node and/or with other IoT nodes. Where the node is located physically is of no importance. Writing code for these devices can be quite complex since sensor readout, and actuator control is needed as well as software for network communication. If however the sensor driver already exists (why re-invent the wheel?) and the communication code is standardized and in addition widgets for data display and control are available then it can be very easy to link the sensors and actuators into a WEB based application. This application can be accessed through a WEB browser or a hand-phone app. This is exactly the approach mydevices Cayenne has taken.

The goal of the workshop is to explain how these bits and pieces fit together. The participant will not only learn how this works theoretically but he will create a simple application accessing different sensor nodes on the network himself. This can be done with a simple drag and drop interface allowing to visualize sensor data in different ways and to control actuator through buttons or automatically when certain conditions, seen be the sensors, change.

-- Uli Raich - 2019-02-12


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