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Results from IoT_Course_English web retrieved at 17:07 (GMT)

MQTT and Cayenne Introduction Cayenne claims to be the world`s first drag and drop IoT builder. It provides a dash board on which the user can set up predefined widgets...
The Magic Wand Example In the Magic Wand example a `magic wand` is used to paint digits into the air. An accelerometer and gyroscope is used to record the movement...
The Magic Wand Example Introduction The magic wand example shows how to detect gestures using an accelerometer. Different types of accelerometers are easily available...
Magnetometer and Compass Introduction Magnetometers measure magnetic field. The electronic devices available are very sensitive, and can measure fields down to the...
Running the TensorFlow examples in MicroPython The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow is implemented as a module written...
Moisture sensors Different types of sensors There are two different types of moisture sensors: resistive sensors, measuring the resistance between two electrodes...
Motor exercises Introduction We have 3 types of motors that are used for different purposes and controlled in different ways: DC motor used in continuous movement...
Motors Introduction We have 3 different types of motors in our kit: DC motor: Used for continuous movement in either forward or backward direction and at different...
Number of topics: 8

Topic revision: r40 - 2023-10-30 - UliRaich
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