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Recent Changes in AFNOG Web retrieved at 06:36 (GMT)

Hardware access, the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins. Running the programs on the PC Up to now, all programs we have written can be executed on the ESP...
First Python programs Introduction It is not possible to go through Python programming in just an hour. We will therefore learn only those features that are absolutely...
Communicating with MicroPython First steps You do not know the Python? No problem! We will go through some of the basics. Python is a very powerful, modern programming...
AFNOG 2021: 2 lectures on IoT The lecture slides for download: Here the original slides written with LibreOffice. You should be able to open these also with a modern...
The WeMos D1 mini and its sensor and actuator shields Introduction We have seen that the ESP01 can be programmed with micro Python and that there are add on sensor...
Workshop Slides Lecture Slides Session 1: Introduction to IoT and Python Session2: Hardware access and Micropython Session 3: MQTT and Cayenne Session...
Hands on exercises for the workshop on IoT Session 1 Introduction to IoT and Python Session 2 Hardware access and Micropython Session 3 MQTT and Cayenne...
Top Menu of AFNOG Web This topic defines the menu structure of the AFNOG web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic...

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