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Backlinks to TinyML in all Webs (Search IoT_Course_English Web only)

Results from IoT_Course_English web retrieved at 01:08 (GMT)

BlueTooth Low Energy (BLE) The ESP32 provides a BlueTooth interface and MicroPython implements a low level interface tto BlueTooth Low Energy or BLE. Some applications...
The TinyML examples written in C The TinyML examples in C , ported to the ESP32 can be found at https://github.com/espressif/tflite micro esp examples/tree/master...
Preparing a custom version of MicroPython with TensorFlow Introduction For work with ML algorithms I use the esp32 cam module because it is small, cheap and has...
The ESP32 S3 FN8 CPU board This page shows the hardware connections of the onboard devices provided be the ESP32 S3 FN8 CPU board. First of all, this is an ESP32 S...
The tinyML examples for the ESP32 written in C All tinyML examples consist of two parts: Creating of the model The application on the micro controller using...
The TinyML examples written in C The TinyML examples in C , ported to the ESP32 can be found at https://github.com/espressif/tflite micro esp examples/tree/master...
The ESP IDF version The esp idf version of hello world is almost identical to the Arduino version except the way it built. We must first tell the idf.py that we are...
Running the TensorFlow examples in MicroPython The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow is implemented as a module written...
The Magic Wand Example In the Magic Wand example a `magic wand` is used to paint digits into the air. An accelerometer and gyroscope is used to record the movement...
The Magic Wand Example Introduction The magic wand example shows how to detect gestures using an accelerometer. Different types of accelerometers are easily available...
Running the TensorFlow examples in MicroPython The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow The MicroPython interface to TensorFlow is implemented as a module written...
People Detection Introduction In this example we use a pre trained model to find out if a person is in sight of the camera, installed on our esp32 cam board. Before...
Preparing the PC for Tensorflow Setting up a virtual Python environment The procedure is described in https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper...
The Hello World example Introduction The Hello World example demonstrates a regression model implemented as a neural network with an input layer of a single scalar...
The tinyML Hello World example How does tinyML hello world work? The program takes a value between 0 and 2 Pi; and outputs the corresponding sine value. Of course...
TinyML on the esp32s3 wroom Introduction The esp32s3 wroom is a very cheap esp32s3 board with 8MB of octal PSRAM and an integrated OV2640 2 MPixel camera. Because...
Wake word detection Introduction There are many examples of speech control devices in today`s homes, Amazon`s Alexa being a prominent example. These devices wait...
This is a complete re work of the Embedded systems course, given at the University of Cape Coast in 2017. While the original course was based on the C language we...
Statistics for IoT Course English Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top...
Number of topics: 19

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