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Results from Embedded_Systems web retrieved at 12:52 (GMT)

Accelerometers Introduction Accelerometers are used in many portable devices like smart phones, to detect if the device is held vertically or horizontally, in fitness...
The ADS1115 16 bit ADC The ADS1115 from Texas Instruments is a high precision I2C controlled Delta Sigma ADC. In addition to the ADC itself which provides 2 differential...
A meteorological station. We have 2 PCBs in our sensor collection for use in a meteorological station: The BMP180 atmospheric pressure sensor, which can also measure...
The AT commands atMode: The serial line is connected to /dev/ttyUSB0you may connect to another port with ./atMode portname, e.g./dev/ttyUSB1Please enter AT command...
Exercises 3: Compilation Tools: Editor, Compiler, Linker, Debugger, Make Goal: This exercise session should get you acquainted with the tools we will use for editing...
Controlling the DC motors The motors cannot be driven by the Arduino PWM outputs directly but they must pass through a motor driver boosting the signal power In our...
Report on the first 6 weeks of the DC motor project Week 1 Installing the ubuntu 16.04 OS as dual boot alongside windows 10 Installing the Arduino software on the...
Examination projects on Embedded Systems, Physics class I expect that you solve the problems on your own and you do not copy from your colleagues. For the examination...
Exercises in Python One way to develop the course in a new direction is the replacement of the C programming language by Python. You should not be mislead however...
The Hantek 6022BE Digital Storage Oscilloscope For the course on embedded systems we need an oscilloscope to be able to see certain signals created by micro controller...
The Heart Rate Sensor Goal: The heartbeat monitor consists of a simple Infrared LED combined with a photo diode measuring the IR light traversing you finger and arriving...
Implementing the Arduino toolbox The program structure As you would probably expect, the program will consist of three parts a server running on the Arduino...
Exercise 11: The LCD Display Goal: The main goal of this exercise is to prepare for an exercises on Analogue to Digital Conversion (ADC). In the ADC exercise we will...
The 2 Line LCD Display and its HD44780 Controller The 2 Line LCD Display and its HD44780 Controller Uli Raich UCC semester 2017/2018 Why a simple 2 line display...
Analogue to Digital Conversion Analogue to Digital Conversion Lecture 12 Uli Raich UCC semester 2017/2017 Analogue to Digital Conversion Printed Circuit Boards In...
Course on Embedded Systems, Introduction Held at the University of Cape Coast Winter Semester 2017 Lecture 1Uli Raich (uli.raich #64;cern.ch) Introduction What should...
The Linux Operating System Lecture 2 Uli Raich First Semester 2017/2018 Starting the Linux System This is how the screen may loop like after some programs have been...
A bit of C programming Lecture 3 Uli Raich First Semester 2017/2018 Programming Languages To make a language a programming language it needs to implement: Assignments...
The Raspberry Pi and how to bring it to life Lecture 6Uli RaichUCC semester 2017/2018 A first glimpse There are several versions of Raspberry Pis available on the...
Accessing the Real World Lecture 7 Uli Raich UCC semester 2017/2018 Access libraries As we have already seen, the Raspberry Pi flat cable connector and the cobbler...
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Lecture 8 Uli Raich UCC semester 2017/2018 A single GPIO pin We have seen how we can drive an LED from a single GPIO pin programmed...
Stepping Motors Lecture 9 Uli Raich UCC semester 2017/2018 The 27BJY 48 stepper motor and its ULN 2803 driver module A lecture on youtube There is an excellent...
Lecture Slides This page contains all the lecture slides: For more information please contact: uli.raich #64;gmail.com Lecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: The...
Exercises 1: Discovering Linux Goal: Today...
Additional Sensors The sensor kit was originally designed to be used with the Arduino, an Italian micro controller design very popular with hobbyists. The Arduino...
A cookbook recipe to make the Bluetooth protocol work Introduction Since you seem to have problems with point 1 3 of the development process (think and design)...
Mid Semester Quiz Embedded Systems course General remarks: In the following quiz more than one answer may be correct or all of the answers may be wrong. Linux commands...
The Raspberry Pi Introduction The Raspberry Pi is a small computer powerful enough to run a full blown operating system like Linux. The 3rd version of this machine...
Remotely controlling the Robot through Bluetooth In order to control the robot remotely some RF network connection is needed to send movement commands to the robot...
Sensors with serial interface There are 2 sensors with analogue to digital conversion already implemented with the chip: the DS18B20 digital thermometer from...
A serial protocol to control the movement of the robot. Setting up the HC 05 as a master Before being able to send any message from the Arduino Nano, acting as the...
Setting Up Twiki Server 1 Install apache2 and php5sudo apt get install apache2 php5 1 open a browser and type localhost to check if apache is really installed...
Session 2: Basic C programming PC systems: Check if new updates have arrived and if yes install them on all machines apt update apt upgrade Install gnuplot...
Compilation tools: Editor, Compiler, Linker, Debugger, Make Exercise 1: check the student exercises Go through all the student exercises and check they work as expected...
Solutions to the exercises This is the page to which the solutions will be uploaded. These will mainly consist of gzipped tar files which you can download and unpack...
Stepping Motor Exercises Goal: A stepping motor is a device which is often used when a precise amount of movement is required: an exact angle of a an exact position...
SystemInstallation and Customisation We are trying this now Comments
Exercise 12: The BMP180 temperature and barometric pressure sensor Goal: The BMP180 is an I2C chip allowing to measure temperature to a precision of 0.1 ...
Measuring temperature and humidity Goal: The DHT11 is a low lost humidity and temperature sensor using its own serial protocol for data transfer. While for 1 wire...
The UCC open day During the Open Day on Oct 18th we will present a number of small projects: a traffic light simulator a name display a stepping...
Statistics for Embedded Systems Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Number of topics: 41

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