Recent Changes in AFNOG Web retrieved at 01:28 (GMT)

Reading the Color Sensor and creating the virtual world Introduction Reading the color sensor is rather tricky but we are lucky to find a ready made module that contains...
Exercises on Sensor and Actuator access Introduction Once we are comfortable with Python basics we can try to access the sensors and actuators connected to our Raspberry...
Exercises on Python Before being able to start programming sensors and actuators we need to know a programming language giving us access to the sensor and actuator...
Exercise 1: Go through the tutorial on mqtt api/#cayenne mqtt api manually publishing subscribing in section `Manually...
Exercises for session 3: MQTT and Cayenne Exercise 1: Install mosquitto on your machine. On Ubuntu Linux this can very easily be accomplished with apt. On Windows...
Exercises for session 2: Hardware access and Micropython Exercise 1: Connect to Micropython using a terminal emulator. Import the machine package: import machine...
Exercises for session1: Introduction to IoT and Python Exercise 1: Write a program that calculates and prints the Fibonacci numbers up to 20 iterations. The...
The SHT30 I2C temperature and humidity sensor The is a temperature and humidity sensor interfaced through the I2C protocol. A micro Python driver can be found at https...
The DS1307 Real Time Clock and data logger This shield features a battery backed up Dallas real time clock and an SD card socket which can receive micro SD cards....
RGB LEDs Introduction When construction the virtual world demo we will use two different types of sensors an RGB color sensor giving us the color of a paper...

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