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Recent Changes in Embedded_Systems Web retrieved at 07:18 (GMT)

Sensors with serial interface There are 2 sensors with analogue to digital conversion already implemented with the chip: the DS18B20 digital thermometer from...
Sensor Kit The sensor kit contains 37 different types of sensors and actuators. For most of these one can find example applications in either the wiringpi of the pigpio...
Interfacing Scilab to the Raspberry Pi or the Arduino Introduction Scilab is a system for open source program for numerical mathematics quite similar to Matlab even...
Rotary Encoder The rotary encoder can be considered as 2 switches which periodically open and close as you turn the encoder shaft. It can be used e.g. to change the...
The Robot Software The robot software can be divided into several parts: control of the DC motor control of the servo motor distance measurement...
The Robot The robot consists of a 3 wheel chassis where 2 wheels are driven by DC motors. It is controlled by an Arduino Uno and contains an ultrasonic distance...
Report of Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Project The Arduino is a small intelligent integrated circuit board with its brain (processor) as the ATMEGA microcontroller...
Arduino Project Report on Servo Motor This report covers all that has been done from the beginning. An Arduino is an open source electronics prototyping platform based...
The Realtime Clock Goal: The real time clock and eeprom module uses the real time clock chip which can be programmed using its I2C bus interface. The pigpio library...
The Raspberry Pi Introduction The Raspberry Pi is a small computer powerful enough to run a full blown operating system like Linux. The 3rd version of this machine...
Exercises 4: The Raspberry Pi Goal: The Raspberry Pi in contrast to the PC uses and ARM processor and peripherals are not included in the system but are connected...
6 years ago - r3   uli

Mid Semester Quiz Embedded Systems course General remarks: In the following quiz more than one answer may be correct or all of the answers may be wrong. Linux commands...
A cookbook recipe to make the Bluetooth protocol work Introduction Since you seem to have problems with point 1 3 of the development process (think and design)...
Exercises 2: C Programming Goal: We will program most of our sensor readout programs in the C programming language and programming a few simple C programs will help...
Analogue to Digital and Digital to Analogue Conversion The PCF8591 is a 4 channel analogue to digital (ADC) and 1 channel digital to analogue converter (DAC). ADC...
Integrating the Hantek 6022BE Oscilloscope into the OpenHantek Application Some information on the scope and work already done can be found at Hantek 6022BE Scope...
The MMA8452Q accelerometer Article text. Comments
The MCP4725 Digital to Analogue converter Often we need analogue signal levels or synthetically produced (program controlled) signals to drive external devices. The...
Exercises 1: Discovering Linux Goal: Today...
Linux Basics What to do after installing Ubuntu Ubuntu has become a very suitable Operating System for building embedded systems. But immediately after installing...

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