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Welcome to the IoT_Course_English web
This is a complete re-work of the Embedded systems course, given at the University of Cape Coast in 2017. While the original course was based on the C language we use Python-3 in this course. The ESP32 WeMos D1 mini boards replace the Raspberry Pi. The reason for the change in hardware is mainly the price. The ESP32 boards can be bought for a few Dollars allowing the students to acquire the hardware and to work on it at home.

The boards can be plugged together in a Lego type manner and no soldering or bread board work is required. Prototype boards exist if students want to build their own hardware.

For questions about the course please contact Isaac Armah Mensah (iamensah@ucc.edu.gh) or Uli Raich (uli.raich@gmail.com)

Edge Computing
In the! IoT course the micro-controller was used to acquire the data which it then sent to a more powerful machine, usually a PC for analysis and display of the results. Today's micro-controllers are however so powerful that some of the data treatment software can be placed there. Reasons to do this may be unavailability of network resources, data safety etc.

The following pages describe:

IoT_Course_English Web Utilities

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PNGpng img_8030.png r1 manage 187.2 K 2020-07-30 - 09:52 UliRaich  
JPEGjpg dcsit.jpg r1 manage 221.5 K 2020-04-25 - 08:21 TWikiAdminUser  
PNGpng img_8026.png r1 manage 402.3 K 2020-07-30 - 09:52 UliRaich  
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Topic revision: r40 - 2023-10-30 - UliRaich
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